
Kathryn October 2008Once upon a time… I operated my own organic vegetable farm in New Hampshire before earning a masters’ degree in agricultural and applied economics.  I’m passionate about exploring the world through agriculture, food, and people.  I’ve worked on agricultural projects in Angola, Mexico, Mozambique, Moldova and will soon be spending a year in Malawi.

Streeter Organic Vegetable Farm Stand in Keene NH in 1995


Working for Harmony Valley Farm at the Dane County Farmers’ Market in Madison WI in 1997

pastured poultry_kmp1999

Pastured Poultry research in Wisconsin 1999

I began this blog in April 2009 when I returned to Mozambique after a fifteen year absence as a volunteer for CNFA to interview farmers, collect vegetable production data, and begin an analysis of the horticultural value chain in Manica province. In the fall of of 2010 I accepted two other assignments with CNFA to work on marketing strategies and organic production techniques with vegetable growers in Angola and Mozambique. In 2012 I went back to Mozambique for a fourth trip with CNFA.

As time passes I will update this blog with both past and future travels and agricultural explorations both at home and abroad.

Additional publications:

Taste and Travel International Magazine , Erasmo’s Shrimp, Spring 2011

7 responses to “About

  1. Hello
    hope all is well
    how is the food?
    when you are back you need to see our fun new kitchen
    take care

  2. Carlos

    Hi Kathryn

    My name is Carlos and I am the the wildlife Vet and Director of Conservation who operated the lion “pianist” in 2005, that you phographed. I would appreciate if you could send the originals of the pictures. You have taken the most recent and very useful pics. I am preparing a small operation to solve the hiper flexion . I reconstructed his paw but the extensor tendons were cut and could not do much about it at the time. Severing partially the flexor tendons will help him to relax the paw and avoid the hyper flexion.

    Best regards


    • Kathryn

      Hi Carlos.
      I believe we actually briefly met in late April when I was having dinner with Jos, Rob and Greg from Explore Gorogosa. You had just arrived from Maputo as we were finishing.
      I would be happy to share my photos of “the pianist” lion with you. I have an entire series. I will contact you by email.

  3. Hello Kathryn!
    I love what is going on in your blog and I definitely would like to learn more about the agricultural side of food. You definitely seem to be an expert on the subject. I feel very strongly about exploring the world via food and have dedicated my life to the cause as well.

    • Kathryn

      Hi Jay.

      Thanks for reading. Food is absolutely the best way to explore the world. Your Meal Sharing site looks intriguing. I’m often in Chicago so perhaps one day soon we could meet over a meal to discuss agriculture, food and travel.


  4. Kathryn,

    I will be leaving for Mozambique this September with the Peace Corps! I was hoping to grow some veggies and herbs outside my home while living there, and I was wondering what seeds you would recommend bringing? Many thanks! 🙂


    • Kathryn

      Hi Sarah.
      You can buy seeds for most vegetables in Mozambique. If, however, you like rare heirloom varieties you are better off bringing your own and saving seed while you are in country. Before you leave do make sure to check if small packets of vegetable seed are allowed to be imported for home use before putting them in your luggage!

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